XV. VigorACS and VigorConnect
ExpiredHow to configure multiple CPEs using an XML file in ACS2
Using the ACS automatic provisioning feature, users and service providers can easily scale, manage and configure mulitiple Vigor devices in different network environments and at any time with appropriate settings.
ACS2 supports these 3 methods to create a configuration profile for global provisioning:
1. Copy a configuration from an on-line CPE.
2. Create an XML file.
3. Create parameters list.
This guide will focus on how to use an XML file to configure settings for a bulk of CPEs at the same time.
Step 1. Learn how to get the TR-069 parameter name and value.
There are two ways to find the TR-069 parameters with required configuration:
1. Get it from the ACS server:
Select the one of the CPE from the network tree and go to Configuration > Advanced.
(It is recommended to choose the same model and firmware version as the CPE which you would like to apply so that you could ensure the best compatibility of the TR-069 parameter.)
Expand the parameter tree based on the feature prefix name. Copy the TR-069 parameter name and value of the required setting:
2.Get it by CLI command:
The "sys tr069 get <parameter name>" CLI command allows you to obtain one or a batch of TR-069 parameters with the current value. This requires connection via Telnet or SSH to access.
To get all of the parameters under "InternetGatewayDevice.X_00507F_System.", you could use the CLI command "sys tr069 get InternetGatewayDevice.X_00507F_System." as shown below.
Step 2. Learn how to create an XML file for global parameters
Download the XML template from ACS page [Provisioning] > [Global Parameters]:
Let's presume that the customer needs to set the following parameters for each CPE.
Subnet Mask =
DHCP enable[Wireless Setup]
2.4G Channel = Channel 6
2.4G SSID1 = Draytek_Test
WPA2 PSK= 123456789[System]
Router name=DraytekFAE
Login password=123qweasd
To implement these settings, the following XML parameters would be used:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tr069 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="tr069">
<item id="1" name="InternetGatewayDevice.X_00507F_System.AdminmodePassword.Password"/>
<item id="2" name="InternetGatewayDevice.X_00507F_System.Management.RouterName"/>
<item id="3" name="InternetGatewayDevice.X_00507F_WirelessLAN.General.Channel"/>
<item id="4" name="InternetGatewayDevice.X_00507F_WirelessLAN.General.SSID.1.ESSID"/>
<item id="5" name="InternetGatewayDevice.X_00507F_WirelessLAN.Security.1.WPAPSK"/>
<item id="6" name="InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.1.LANHostConfigManagement.DHCPServerEnable"/>
<item id="7" name="InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.1.LANHostConfigManagement.MinAddress"/>
<item id="8" name="InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.1.LANHostConfigManagement.MaxAddress"/>
<item id="9" name="InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.1.LANHostConfigManagement.SubnetMask"/>
<item id="10" name="InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.1.LANHostConfigManagement.IPRouters"/>
<item id="11" name="InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.1.LANHostConfigManagement.IPInterface.1.IPInterfaceIPAddress"/>
<item id="12" name="InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.1.LANHostConfigManagement.IPInterface.1.IPInterfaceSubnetMask"/>
<profile name="Global_parameter_Example" iskeep="false" >
<parameter id="1" value="123qweasd" iskeep="false" ord="0"/>
<parameter id="2" value="DrayTekFAE" iskeep="false" ord="0"/>
<parameter id="3" value="Channel_6,2437MHz" iskeep="false" ord="0"/>
<parameter id="4" value="Draytek_Test" iskeep="false" ord="0"/>
<parameter id="5" value="123465789" iskeep="false" ord="0"/>
<parameter id="6" value="1" iskeep="false" ord="0"/>
<parameter id="7" value="" iskeep="false" ord="0"/>
<parameter id="8" value="" iskeep="false" ord="0"/>
<parameter id="9" value="" iskeep="false" ord="0"/>
<parameter id="10" value="" iskeep="false" ord="0"/>
<parameter id="11" value="" iskeep="false" ord="0"/>
<parameter id="12" value="" iskeep="false" ord="0"/>
Step 3. Save the file and upload it to ACS server
Go to Global Parameters and +Add a profile. Select the "sample from an XML file" and select the created XML file then upload it to VigorACS 2 server.
If Always keep is enabled, VigorACS will restore any settings changed from the Global Parameter settings configured here. This will occur every time the CPE connects to the VigorACS server for its "periodic inform", which will usually be around 15 minutes.
Step 4. Apply Global Parameters to CPEs or Groups
Go to "Network & Devices", select the global profile for your network or CPE, and save the setting.
ACS will apply the profile when receiving the "periodic TR-069 inform" from the CPE.
From the [Monitoring] > [Logs] page, we are able to see the status when a global profile is applied.
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