XII. Firewall/Security Features
ExpiredActivating a GlobalView Web Content Filter Subscription
IMPORTANT NOTE: DrayTek routers which support GlobalView come with a one-time 30-day free trial of GlobalView. If you have purchased a 12-month GlobalView subscription and wish to apply it before the trial period ends, the subscription license will begin once the trial expires: |
A GlobalView subscription provides you with DrayTek's Web filtering service, where web sites are categorised according to content type so that your users, or groups of users are blocked from accessing those categories which you consider inappropriate or unsuitable.
For more information on the GlobalView service and Web Content Filtering, along with the GlobalView Group required by each router model, click here.
The Group (A, B and S) of the GlobalView License must match the router's GlobalView Group.
Globalview subscriptions are applied to the router through the MyVigor portal, which is used to manage DrayTek Vigor routers / software and subscriptions.
This requires creating a MyVigor account and adding the router to your MyVigor account, as demonstrated in this guide.
Activating a GlobalView Web Content Filter Subscription
Before proceeding, check that the router is associated with your MyVigor account as shown in this guide.
To activate a GlobalView Web Content Filter license on a router, access your router's Web interface and select [CSM] > [Web Content Filter Profile]
This will display the current state of the Web Content Filtering license for the router, which will display '[Status : Not Activated]' initially.
Click the 'Activate' button shown:
That will take you directly to the MyVigor Web Portal login page.
It is necessary to access the MyVigor portal through the router's web interface and not directly, for the router to pass required information to the MyVigor system.
Enter the requested captcha information and log in with your MyVigor account username and password:
Go to the [My Information] > [My Product] page, this shows the DrayTek products that are associated with your account, listed in order of serial number.
Click on the serial number of the router that you wish to activate the Web Content Filter license with.
The WCF - Cyren web content filtering service is used in the United Kingdom; the WCF - BPjM service cannot be used outside of Germany.
If the router's Trial license has not been used, the Action button for WCF - Cyren will show "Trial" - this fully functional trial license must be activated before a license key can be installed. This guide details that procedure: Activating the GlobalView Web Content Filter 30-Day Trial
Once the Trial license has been activated or if it has expired, click on the 'Renew' Action button for WCF - Cyren:
The MyVigor page will then prompt to enter the License Number / Key that will be activated. Enter the license key and click Add License:
The License will then be listed below, with the option to add more License keys if required. Click Next to continue:
Tick the check box to confirm that you are happy with the GlobalView terms and conditions and click Next to continue:
Check the activation date; if the Trial license is active, the 12-month subscription will begin once the trial period ends.
If the Trial license has expired, the 12-month subscription can start from the current date or any other date in the future.
If the start date is set to a day in the future and the Firewall of the router has "Strict Security Firewall" enabled, the router will not allow Internet access until the day that the Web Content Filter license becomes active. This is because the "Enable Strict Security Firewall" option blocks access to the Internet if the router does not have an active Content Filtering service or is unable to access the GlobalView Web Content Filtering service.
Click OK for this notification message, which will display if the Trial license is currently active. This indicates that the 12-month subscription will begin after the Trial license ends.
Click the Confirm button to apply the license to the router with the Activation Date and Expiry Dates shown:
The MyVigor site will display this notification message if the Trial license is currently active. It indicates that the Trial period can be ended early after activating the license, to immediately use the 12-month subscription. Clicking OK or Cancel on this message will not end the trial period, which can be done from the MyVigor [My Information] > [My Product] - Device Information page if required.
Click OK to continue, this will not change the state of the Trial license.
The Web Content Filter will then activate on the router; the router will display the DrayTek Service Activation window through its web interface, with the Web Content Filter Start Date and Expiry Dates shown.
Checking your subscription status in the Router's Web Interface
To view the state of the router's Web Content Filter license, go to [CSM] > [Web Content Filter Profile]. If the Web Content Filter service is active, the Status will display Cyren (this is the service that currently provides the GlobalView web filtering service). The start date and expiry date of the filter license are also shown.
When a Web Content Filtering license (trial or full) is active, the router's Web Content Filtering service can be used to filter Internet access through the router.
This guide demonstrates how to configure the Web Content Filter for use: Setting up the Web Content Filter and DNS Filter
There is additional information available in [System Maintenance] > [Activation], which displays log information for the router's connection to the DrayTek MyVigor service.
Checking your subscription status in the MyVigor Portal
The license state can also be viewed in the MyVigor portal by selecting the router from the [My Information] > [My Product] menu.
In the example below, there are two Cyren licences shown, the first license is the 30-day trial, the second license is the 12-month GlobalView subscription. When the Trial expires, it will move to the Expired License section.
Clicking the On button for the 12-month GlobalView subscription will immediately end the 30-day trial and activate the 12-month subscription license from the current date.
The Status icon indicates which service is currently active and its state:
• Yellow Circle - Currently active but has less than 30 days remaining. This is normal for a 30-day Trial license
• Red Circle - License is not yet active but will become active from the Start Date shown
• Green Circle - License is currently active and has more than 30 days remaining
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