
XV. VigorACS and VigorConnect


VigorConnect - Installation Guide for Linux


VigorConnect is the LAN/VPN AP and VigorSwitch management software which is based on the TR-069 protocol. It helps with VigorAP and VigorSwitch monitoring and maintenance.
This guide demonstrates how to install VigorConnect for Linux. This requires a 64-bit Linux operating system. Make sure your Linux user account has root privileges. The "sudo" prefix (Ubuntu distros) will be used to identify commands that require root privileges.

Installing VigorConnect in Linux

  1. Install unzip package on your Linux server

  2. Extract your VigorConnectSetup_Linux_152.zip zip file using the unzip package (or any other of your choice)

  3. Now, the VigorConnectLinuxSetup_1.5.2 file should be available. Change the access permissions with the following command
    chmod +x VigorConnectLinuxSetup_1.5.2

  4. Open the installation file
    sudo ./VigorConnectLinuxSetup_1.5.2
    The following screen will appear where the installation Destination Folder can be selected. Press OK to continue.
    kb vigorconnect install linux 01

  5. The installation process will begin
    kb vigorconnect install linux 02

  6. Allow VigorConnect to run as Linux service
    kb vigorconnect install linux 03

  7. Once installed, check the box for the Run VigorConnect Management option and press OK
    kb vigorconnect install linux 04

  8. VigorConnect Management should appear. The Setup window allows adjusting port numbers and other setting.
    kb vigorconnect install linux 05

    Press OK to continue. On the left hand side select Start to start VigorConnect services.

    kb vigorconnect install linux 06

  9. You can now login to the VigorConnect platform. Open the browser and type https://IP:portwhere IP is the IPv4 address of your Linux server (You can also use its loopback IP of if your Linux server runs GUI); the default port is 4433

    By default VigorConnect uses the following configuration:
    • HTTP port: 9292
    • HTTPS port: 4433
    • Login Username: root
    • Login Password: admin123

kb vigorconnect add vigorswitch 01


If you are trying to access VigorConnect from a client PC, check the following:

  • Make sure that your Linux server IP address is correct. If possible, set it to a static IPv4 address
  • When accessing VigorConnect use correct ports. Again, for HTTP it is 9292, and HTTPS default port is 4433
  • Some Linux distros have a firewall enabled by default. For example, CentOS firewall status can be check with the following command
    sudo firewall-cmd --state

    If the output is running, firewall can be disabled for testing purposes:
    sudo systemctl stop firewalld
    Now try again to open VigorConnect in your browser.
  • If the above still won't allow you to access VigorConnect from another computer, try it on your server (your favourite Linux GUI should be installed first).

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