Our draytek vigor 2900g is slowing our interent.
After various tests, it is this device.
Our interent is ADSL 1mb broadband with GX networks.
and our download speed is 180kpbs on average, with nobody else using the interent.
Tried another router and we get near full expected speed.
There is no network port throttling/ sharing setup, wifi is off.
Updated Firmware to 2.5.6 and still no luck.
The router is about 4 years old and used to be fine.
QOS is setup for 25% reserved bandwidth for each of the 4 indexes, could this be it?
Any ideas?
Disabling QOS worked, speed is back to near full 1mb ADSL
What i dont understand is why all four indexes were assigned 25%, when two of the four indexes appear to be empty, it looks like 50% of speed was wasted.